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Product infos:

belt conveyor

Promulgator: :admin  Send date: :2017-07-17
Product infos:

 TD75TK運行好、DT首次、DTASeries Belt Conveyors are widely used in Power Plants,Chemical industry, Metallurgical, Coal Mine,  Port , Building Material processing and Light Industry etc. They convey material either in single unit or multi unit handling system by combining more than one conveyor or other handling facilities horizontally or vertically according to the technical requirement of the plant. Materials to be conveyed can be in bulk (bulk density 0.5 to 2.5 t/m3) or single unit type (packaging handling)

Add:economical&technical development zone,tongling city,anhui proc.,prc 
Post code:244061
Tel: +86562-2686185
Fax: +86562-2686167

  皖公網(wǎng)安備 34070202000413號(hào)     備案號(hào):皖I(lǐng)CP備07006378號(hào)  
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